External Fellowships
- Carl & Marilynn Thomas Foundation Exploratory Travel Award: Sofia Ortega Guerrero
- Fullbright Fellowship:Jenny Harris
- CIHA Graduate Fellowship: Stephanie Strother
- Visiting Scholar Grant at the MCA Chicago:Jenny Harris
- Peter E Palmquist Memorial Fund for Historical Photographic Research Grant: Sophie Lynch
- Georges Lurcy Fellowship:Jenny Harris
- Center for Curatorial Leadership Mellon Seminar: Roko Rumora
University of Chicago Internal Fellowships and Awards
- Dissertation Completion Fellowship: Yifan Zou
- Classics Department Tinker Field Research Grant
Departmental Prizes
- The Robert and Joan Feitler Prize for the Best Dissertation in 2023: Zhenru Zhou
External Fellowships
- Paul Mellon Predoctoral Fellowship: Rowanne Dean
- Dissertation Research Grant from the Metropolitan Center for Far Eastern Art Studies: Lucien Sun
- Sciences Po Exchange Fellowship through the Chicago France Center: Jenny Harris
- Center for Advanced Studies in the Visual Arts (CASVA), J. Paul Mellon Fellowship: Rowanne Dean
- Gerald D. Feldman Travel Grant: Rowanne Dean
University of Chicago Internal Fellowships and Awards
- Dissertation Completion Fellowship: Sylvia Wu, Roko Rumora
- François Furet Travel Grant, France Chicago Center: Jessie Alperin
- Stewart Tave Course Design Award: Alice Casalini
- Dean's Award for Graduate Student Teaching Excellence: Ben Diego
Departmental Prizes
- The Robert and Joan Feitler Prize for the Best Dissertation in 2022: Hanne Graverson
External Fellowships
- COSI Fellowship AY 2022-2023: Yifan Zou, Jenny Harris
- J. Paul Getty Trust Graduate Curatorial Internship in the Antiquities Department of the J. Paul Getty Museum at the Getty Villa: Roko Rumora
- Kress Foundation History of Art Institutional Fellowship at the Bibliotheca Hertziana in Rome: Nora Lambert
- Center for Advanced Studies in the Visual Arts (CASVA) Ittleson Fellowship: Zhenru Zhou
- Center for Advanced Studies in the Visual Arts (CASVA) Twenty-Four-Month Chester Dale Fellowship: Zsofi Valyi-Nagy
University of Chicago Internal Fellowships and Awards
- GGI Final Year Internship from UChicagoGRAD: Zhenru Zhou
- Graduate Council Travel Award: Lucien Sun
- CEAS Conference Travel Grant
- François Furet Travel Grant from the France Center: Sophie Lynch, Nora Lambert
- Nicholson Graduate Research Fellowship from the Nicholson Center for British Studies at the University of Chicago: Nora Lambert
- Division of the Humanities Dissertation Research Travel Grant: Nora Lambert, Zsofi Valyi-Nagy
- Dean's Distinguished Dissertation Award: Katerina Korola
Departmental Prizes
- Liu Cong Memorial Prize: Alice Casalini
- The Robert and Joan Feitler Prize for the Best Dissertation in 2021: Jessica Locker
External Fellowships
- Mellon Curatorial Writing Fellowship (COSI: Chicago Objects Study Initiative): Yunfei Shao, Sylvia Wu
- Rhoades Curatorial Internship and Frankenthaler Fellowship: Yin Wu
- Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst – German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) One-Year Grant for Doctoral Candidates at Humboldt University in Berlin, Germany: Zsofi Valyi-Nagy
- Esherick-Ye Family Foundation Grant: Sylvia Wu
- Fulbright Open Study/Research Fellowship for the US Student Program in Italy: Nora Lambert
- Center for Advanced Studies in the Visual Arts (CASVA) Ittleson Fellowship: Zhenru Zhou
- Center for Advanced Studies in the Visual Arts (CASVA) Twenty-Four-Month Chester Dale Fellowship: Zsofi Valyi-Nagy
- Institution of Sacred Music Multi-year Postdoctoral Fellowship at Yale University: Catalina Ospina
University of Chicago Fellowships and Awards
- Franke Institute for the Humanities Non-Residential Dissertation Completion Fellowship: Maggie Borowitz
- Chinese Studies Dissertation Fellowship, Center for East Asian Studies: Meng Zhao, Dongshan Zhang
- Center for East Asian Studies Graduate Student Research Grant: Zhenru Zhou
- UChicagoGRAD Global Impact Grant (Art Institute of Chicago and UChicagoGRAD): Nora Lambert
- UChicagoGRAD GGI Final Year Internship: Yifan Zou
Departmental Prizes
- The Robert and Joan Feitler Prize for the Best Dissertation in 2021: Tingting Xu
External Awards
- Mellon Curatorial Writing Fellowship (COSI: Chicago Objects Study Initiative): Meng Zhao, Xi Zhang
- Rhoades Curatorial Internship and Frankenthaler Fellowship: Hanne Graversen
- Dedalus Foundation Dissertation Fellowship: Zsofia Valyi-Nagy
- Fulbright Open Study/Research Fellowship for the US Student Program in France: Zsofia Valyi-Nagy
- Chung-Hwa Institute Dissertation Research Fellowship: Zhenru Zhou
- Berlin Program for Advanced German and European Studies Doctoral Fellowship: Katerina Korola
- Invited Participant, CCL/Mellon Seminar on Curatorial Practice: Nora Lambert
- Alphawood Graduate Fellowship: Dongshan Zhang
- Rhoades Internship & Frankenthaler Fellowship: Zsofi Valyi-Nagy
University of Chicago Awards
- Humanities Division William Rainey Harper Dissertation Completion Fellowship: Catalina Ospina
- Hanna Holborn Gray Dissertation Completion Fellowship: Katerina Korola
- Humanities Division Dissertation Research Travel Grant: Zhenru Zhou and Meng Zhao
- Dean’s Award for Graduate Student Teaching Excellence, Humanities Division: Zsofia Valyi-Nagy
- Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship: Alan Longino and Yoon-Jee Choi
- Chinese Studies Dissertation Fellowship from CEAS: Zhiyan Yang, Zhenru Zhou
- Andrew W. Mellon Curatorial Fellowship (declined): Zsofia Valyi-Nagy
- CAS Graduate Student Research Grant: Zhenru Zhou
- UChicagoGRAD Global Impact Grant: Nora Lambert
Departmental Prizes
- The Robert and Joan Feitler Prize for the Best Dissertation of 2020: Kristopher Driggers
- Department of Art History Graduate Teaching Award: Zsofia Valyi-Nagy
- Liu Cong Memorial Prize: Meng Zhao
External Awards
- Mellon Curatorial Writing Fellowships (COSI: Chicago Objects Study Initiative): Maggie Borowitz and Chloe Pelletier
- Rhoades Curatorial Internship: Zhiyan Yang
- Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Fellowship: Maggie Borowitz
- University of Chicago/Getty Dissertation Fellowship in Chinese Art History: Yunfei Shao
- Center for Advanced Studies in the Visual Arts (CASVA) Paul Mellon Three-Year Fellowship: Luke Fidler
- International Center of Medieval Art Graduate Student Essay Prize, First Place: Nancy Thebaut
- Blanton Museum of Art Two-Year Fellowship in European Art: Chris Zappella
- Marilynn Thoma Spanish Colonial Art Fellowship: Catalina Ospina
- Council on Library and Information Resources Mellon Fellowships for Dissertation Research in Original Sources: Hilary Barker, Catalina Ospina
- SSRC/Mellon International Dissertation Research Fellowship (IDRF): Hilary Barker
- Israel Institute of Advanced Study Fellowship: Jesse Lockard
- Kunsthistorisches Institut Pre-Doctoral Fellowship: Martin Schwarz
University of Chicago Awards
- Humanities Division William Rainey Harper Dissertation Completion Fellowship: Tingting Xu
- Humanities Division Mellon Dissertation Completion Fellowship: Anatole Upart
- Dean's Award for Graduate Student Teaching Excellence: Savannah Esquivel
- François Furet Travel Grant from the France Chicago Center: Nora Lambert
- Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Curatorial Fellowship, Smart Museum of Art: Nora Lambert
- CEAS Grant: Nancy Lin
- Beijing Center Grant: Nancy Lin
- COSAS Language Fellowship: Alice Casalini
- PATHS/Area Studies Centers Public Lectureship Prize: Zhiyan Yang
- University of Chicago Beijing Center Summer Residency: Zhiyan Yang
- Humanities Dissertation Research Fellowship: Katerina Korola
Departmental Prizes
- Liu Cong Memorial Prize: Zhenru Zhou
- The Robert and Joan Feitler Prize for the Best Dissertation of 2019: Nancy Thebaut
- Department Graduate Teaching Award 2020: Nancy P. Lin

External Awards
- Mellon Curatorial Writing Fellowships (COSI: Chicago Objects Study Initiative): Nancy Thebaut, Hanne Graversen, Chris Zappella
- University of Chicago/Getty Dissertation Fellowship in Chinese Art History: Xi Zhang
- SSRC/Mellon International Dissertation Research Fellowship (IDRF): Tingting Xu
- Fulbright Open Study/Research Fellowship for the US Student Program in Italy: Chloe Pelletier
- French Heritage Society Internship, Musée Carnavelet, Paris: Nancy Thebaut
- Council on Library and Information Resources Mellon Fellowships for Dissertation Research in Original Sources: Carly Boxer
- The Joan and Stanford Alexander Award, The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston: Tingting Xu
- The Boone Scholars Internship for East Asian Studies, The Field Museum, Chicago: Tingting Xu
- Ayesha Bulchandani Curatorial Intern, The Frick Collection: Chris Zappella
- Junior Fellow at the Paul Mellon Centre for British Art: Carly Boxer
- Denniston Hill Artist Residency: Solveig Nelson
- Ernst Mach worldwide Scholarship for Austria (Declined): Caroline Schopp
- Birgit Baldwin Two-Year Fellowship, Medieval Academy of America: Claire Jenson
- Predoctoral Two-Year Research Fellowship, Universität Bern: Meekyung MacMurdie
- Center for the Art and Architectural History of the Port Cities, The Edith O’Donnell Institute of Art History of the University of Texas at Dallas, La Capraia Research Residency at the Museo e Real Bosco di Capodimonte, Naples, Italy: Anatole Upart
- The Carl S. Meyer Prize, Sixteenth Century Society & Conference: Anatole Upart
- Getty Library Research Grant: Hanne Graversen
- Digital Scholarship Workshop Travel Grant, Lieberthal-Rogel Center for Chinese Studies at the University of Michigan: Zhenru Zhou
- Invited Participant, CCL/Mellon Seminar on Curatorial Practice: Chloe Pelletier
University of Chicago Fellowships
- Humanities Division Vigneron Dissertation Completion Fellowship (Declined): Nancy Thebaut
- CEAS Dissertation Fellowship (Declined): Xi Zhang
- CEAS Professional Training Grant in Japanese Studies: Zhenru Zhou
- CEAS Japanese Studies Pre-Dissertation Research Grant: Sandy Lin
- CEAS Grant: Alice Casalini, Minori Egashira
- CAEA Grant: Sylvia Wu, Zhenru Zhou
- Nicholson Graduate Research Fellowship: Chris Zappella
- Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship: Angie Epifano
- François Furet Travel Grants from the France Center at the University of Chicago: Zsofia Valyi-Nagy, Katerina Korola
- Edward L. Ryerson Archaeology Travel Fellowships: Hilary Barker, Roko Rumora, Alice Casalini
- Stuart Tave Teaching Fellowship: Meekyung MacMurdie
- Graduate Council Travel Award: Nora Lambert, Zhenru Zhou
- University of Chicago Library University Archives Fellowship: May Peterson
- Nicholson Center for British Studies Fellowship: Carly Boxer
Departmental Prizes
- The Robert and Joan Feitler Prize for the Best Dissertation of 2018: Solveig Nelson
External Awards
- Mellon Curatorial Writing Fellowships (COSI: Chicago Objects Study Initiative): Solveig Nelson, Xi Zhang
- Rhoades Curatorial Internship: Meekyung MacMurdie
- University of Minnesota Center for Austrian Studies Seminar Fellowship: Luke Fidler
- DAAD Intensive Language Course Grants: Katerina Korola, Zsofia Valyi-Nagy
- Arts Council of the African Studies Association Travel Grant: Angie Epifano
- Yale University Art Gallery, Photo Department, Two-Year Fellowship: Carl Fuldner
- Ernst Mach Worldwide Scholarship, Nine-Month (Declined): Caroline Schopp
- The Creative Capital Warhol Foundation Arts Writers Grant: Solveig Nelson
- American Friends of the Herzog August Bibliothek Travel Grant: Anatole Upart
- American Catholic Historical Association's Presidential Travel Grant: Anatole Upart
- Walker Art Museum Curatorial Fellowship: Jadine Collingwood
- Birgit Baldwin Two-Year Fellowship, Medieval Academy of America: Claire Jenson
- Invited Participant, CCL/Mellon Seminar on Curatorial Practice: Kristopher Driggers
University of Chicago Awards
- Field Trip / Field Notes / Field Guide Fellowship on Shared Ecologies: Hanne Graversen
- CLAS Tinker Field Research Grant: Maggie Borowitz
- Stevanovich Institute for the Formation of Knowledge Dissertation Research Fellowship: Meekyung MacMurdie
- Mellon Sawyer “Urban Art and Urban Form” Fellowships: Hanne Graversen, Nancy P. Lin
- Franke Institute for the Humanities Dissertation Completion Fellowship: Anne Feng
- Provost's Dissertation Completion Fellowships: Caroline Schopp, Jenn Sichel
- CEAS Dissertation Fellowship: Tingting Xu
- Martin Marty Center Dissertation Fellowship: Savannah Esquivel
- African Studies Workshop Graduate Student Small Grant: Angie Epifano
- African Studies Workshop African Language Fund: Angie Epifano
- Urban Studies Doctoral Fellowship (Declined): Luke Fidler
- Edward L. Ryerson Archaeology Travel Fellowships: Carly Boxer, Luke Fidler
- UChicagoGRAD Global Impact Grant: Nora Lambert
- Nicholson Graduate Research Fellowship: Chris Zappella
Departmental Prizes
- Liu Cong Memorial Prize: Yin Wu
- The Robert and Joan Feitler Prize for the Best Dissertation of 2017: Caroline Schopp
External Awards
- Mellon Curatorial Writing Fellowships (COSI: Chicago Objects Study Initiative): Jadine Collingwood, Anne Feng
- Predoctoral Two-Year Fellowship, Kunsthistorisches Institut, Florence/Staatliche Museen zu Berlin: Max Koss
- Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship: Kristopher Driggers
- Universidad Complutense de Madrid Erasmus Fellowship: Kristopher Driggers
- Schiff Foundation Fellowship for Critical Architectural Writing: Hanne Graversen
- Fulbright Graduate Student Grant: Anatole Upart
- Terra Foundation Pre-Doctoral Grant for Summer Residency in Giverny: Jennifer Sichel
- Smithsonian Fellowship at the Archives of American Art: Jennifer Sichel
- Getty Library Research Grant: Caroline Schopp
- CAA Professional Development Fellowship in Art History: Marin Sarvé-Tarr
- Fellowship to attend the Mellon Summer Institute for Italian Paleography at the Newberry Library: Chris Zappella
- Villa I Tatti Berenson Fellowship: Ingrid Greenfield
- Rhoades Curatorial Internship (Declined): Max Koss
- DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) Research Grant (Declined): Caroline Schopp
- Berlin Program for Advanced German and European Studies Fellowship: Caroline Schopp
- Getty Foundation Scholarship for Digital Visualization Tools Training: Catalina Ospina
- Society of Architectural Historians de Montêquin Fellowship: Savannah Esquivel
- John Carter Brown Library Short-Term Fellowship: Savannah Esquivel
- Metropolitan Museum of Art, Chester Dale Art History Fellowship (deferred to 2016-17): Solveig Nelson
- Michael Camille Essay Prize 2016: Chloe Pelletier
- Summer Institute in Technical Art History, New York University: Jesse Lockard
- Invited Participant, CCL/Mellon Seminar on Curatorial Practice: Nancy Thebaut
University of Chicago Awards
- Nicholson Center for British Studies Fellowship: Luke Fidler
- Stuart Tave Teaching Fellowship (Declined): Caroline Schopp
- Nicholson Graduate Initiative Project Award: Carly Boxer & Luke Fidler
- CEAS Dissertation Fellowship: Jin Xu
- Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship: Maggie Borowitz
- African Language Fund (Committee on African Studies): Melanie Lukas
- Procházka Funds (Center for East European and Russian/Eurasian Studies): Luke Fidler
Departmental Prizes
- Liu Cong Memorial Prize: Tingting Xu
- The Robert and Joan Feitler Prize for the Best Dissertation of 2016: Emily Capper
External Awards
- Mellon Curatorial Writing Fellowships (COSI: Chicago Objects Study Initiative): Jin Xu, Marin Sarvé-Tarr
- CASVA Chester Dale Two-Year Fellowship: Leslie Wilson
- Luce/ACLS Dissertation Fellowship in American Art: Solveig Nelson
- CLIR/Mellon Fellowships for Dissertation Research in Original Sources: Meekyung MacMurdie, Jesse Lockard
- Kress History of Art Institutional Fellowship (Institut national d'histoire de l'art, Paris): Nancy Thebaut
- SSRC/Mellon International Dissertation Research Fellowship (IDRF): Nancy Thebaut
- Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Fellowship: Savannah Esquivel
- Mellon-CES Dissertation Completion Fellowship: Jennifer Cohen
- Graham Foundation Carter Manny Award for Doctoral Dissertation Research: Jesse Lockard
- Metropolitan Museum of Art, Chester Dale Art History Fellowship: Tamar Mayer
- Schiff Foundation Fellowship for Critical Architectural Writing: Nancy P. Lin
- Fisher Graduate Curatorial Fellowship at SFMOMA: Hannah Klemm
- Dedalus Foundation Visiting Scholars at the Archives of American Art: Jennifer Cohen
- Getty Library Research Grant: Solveig Nelson
- France Heritage Society Internship in Paris: Max Koss
- Society for Renaissance Art History Travel Award: Chris Zappella
- Deutsches Forum für Kunstgeschichte Fellowship: Martin Schwarz
- Invited Participant, CCL/Mellon Foundation Seminar in Curatorial Practice: Nancy Lin
- Rhoades Curatorial Internship: Jadine Collingwood
University of Chicago Awards
- Urban Network Doctoral Fellowship: Hanne Graversen
- Smart Museum Internship: Max Koss
- Humanities Division Dissertation Completion Fellowship: Carl Fuldner
- Graduate Collaboration Grant, Arts Science & Culture Initiative: Carl Fuldner
- Mellon/Gray Center Graduate Student Internship: Solveig Nelson
- Center for East Asian Studies, Japanese Studies Professional Training Grant: Sandy Lin
- UChicagoGRAD Global Impact Grant: Tingting Xu
Departmental Prizes
- Liu Cong Memorial Prize: Anne Feng
- The Robert and Joan Feitler Prize for the Best Dissertation of 2015: Kristine Larison
External Awards
- CASVA Samuel H. Kress Fellowship: Kelli Wood
- CLIR Mellon Fellowship for Dissertation Research in Original Sources: Beth Woodward
- DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) Research Grant: Max Koss
- Deutsches Forum für Kunstgeschichte Fellowship in Paris: Marin Sarvé-Tarr
- Fulbright U.S. Student Program Fellowship: Anne Feng
- Getty Predoctoral Fellowship: Nancy Lin
- Willam H. Truettner Predoctoral Fellowship, Smithsonian American Art Museum: Jennifer Cohen
- Kress Fellowship for Language Study in European Art History: Anatole Upart (Italian)
- Schiff Foundation Fellowship for Critical Architectural Writing: Jesse Lockard
- American Friends of the Herzog August Bibliothek Travel Grant: Alex Marraccini
- Society for Renaissance Art History Travel Award: Chris Zappella
- École Normale Supérieure, Paris, Exchange Program: Beth Woodward
- Midwest Slavic Association Graduate Student Essay Prize: Michelle Maydanchik
- CAA Professional Development Fellowship: Michelle Maydanchik
- Rhoades Curatorial Internship: Hannah Klemm
- Invited Participant, CCL/Mellon Seminar on Curatorial Practice: Anne Feng
University of Chicago Awards
- CEAS Grant: Zhiyan Yang
- CLAS Tinker Field Research Grant: Catalina Ospina, David Recksieck
- Center for the Study of Gender and Sexuality Graduate Teaching Fellowship: Solveig Nelson
- Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowships: David Recksieck, Kristopher Driggers
- Franke Dissertation Year Fellowship: Michelle Maydanchik (declined)
- Humanities Division Dissertation Travel Research Grants: Daniel Phillips, Jenn Sichel
- Mellon Humanities Dissertation-Year Fellowship: Adrian Anagnost
- Nicholson Center for British Studies Fellowships: Jennifer Cohen, Meekyung MacMurdie, Nancy Thebaut, Kelli Wood
- Edward L. Ryerson Archaeology Dissertation Fellowship: Angele Rosenberg
- Edward L. Ryerson Archaeology Pre-Dissertationl Fellowship: Nicola Barham
- Stuart Tave Teaching Fellowship: Victoria Salinger
- Dean’s Distinguished Dissertation Award from the Division of the Humanities: Maggie Taft
Departmental Prizes
- Liu Cong Memorial Prize: Jin Xu
- The Robert and Joan Feitler Prize for the Best Dissertation of 2014: Julia Langbein
External Awards
- CASVA Chester Dale Fellowship: Nicola Barham
- CIC Smithsonian Institution Fellowship: Victoria Salinger
- Fulbright–IFK Junior Visiting Fellowship (Austria): Caroline Schopp
- Dedalus Foundation Dissertation Fellowship: Emily Capper
- Luce/ACLS Dissertation Fellowship in American Art: Emily Capper
- Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellowship: Maggie Taft
- CLIR Mellon Fellowship for Dissertation Research in Original Sources: Joana Konova
- SSRC Eurasia Program Fellowship: Michelle Maydanchik
- Jane and Morgan Whitney Fellowship, Metropolitan Museum of Art: Eleanor S. Hyun
- Smithsonian Predoctoral Fellowship, the Smithsonian American Art Museum: Carl Fuldner
- Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship: Kristopher Driggers
- Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowships: Kristopher Driggers, Savannah Esquivel, Matthew O’Connell, Daniel Phillips
- Medieval Academy of America, CARA Summer Latin Tuition Scholarship: Claire Jenson
- China and Inner Asia Council of the Association for Asian Studies Short Research Travel: Stephanie Su
- Rhoades Curatorial Internship: Tamar Mayer
University of Chicago Awards
- Nicholson Center for British Studies Fellowship: Carl Fuldner
- CLAS Tinker Field Research Grant: Savannah Esquivel
- Whiting Dissertation Year Fellowship: Matt Saba
- Humanities Division Dissertation-Year Fellowships: Ingrid Greenfield, Maggie Taft (declined)
- Stuart Tave Teaching Fellowship: Michelle Maydanchik
- France Chicago Center François Furet Travel Grant: Tamar Mayer
- Humanities Division Travel Grants: Stephanie Su, Hannah Klemm
- CEAS Dissertation Fellowships: Quincy Ngan, Nancy Lin
- CEAS Grant: Jin Xu
- GSA Travel Grant: Beth Woodward
Departmental Prizes
- Liu Cong Memorial Prize: Seunghye Lee
- The Robert and Joan Feitler Prize for the Best Dissertation of 2013: Seunghye Lee
External Awards
- Lurcy Fellowship for Study in France: Marin Sarvé-Tarr
- Fulbright U.S. Student Program Fellowships: Victoria Salinger, Kelli Wood
- Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Fellowships: Adrian Anagnost, Michelle Maydanchik
- CASVA Chester Dale Fellowship: Ann Patnaude
- DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) Research Grant: Hannah Klemm
- Samuel H. Kress Fellowship, American School of Classical Studies in Athens: Angele Rosenberg
- Jane and Morgan Whitney Fellowship, Metropolitan Museum of Art: Matt Saba
- Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowships: Adrian Anagnost, Savannah Esquivel, Meekyung MacMurdie
- CARA Scholarships, Medieval Academy of America: Martin Schwarz, Nancy Thebaut
- Rhoades Curatorial Internship: Ingrid Greenfield
University of Chicago Awards
- Dolores Zohrab Liebmann Fellowship: Matt Saba
- Honigberg Fellowship for Study in Paris: Jen Cohen
- France Chicago Center Fellowship: Caroline Schopp
- CEAS Dissertation Fellowships: Stephanie Su, Eleanor S. Hyun
- Franke Dissertation Year Fellowship: Julia Langbein
- Vigneron Dissertation-Year Fellowship: Julia Langbein (declined), Rainbow Porthé
- Provost's/Mellon Humanities/Fallers Fellowship (declined): Rainbow Porthé
- Edward L. Ryerson Archaeology Travel Fellowship: Nicola Barham
- Nicholson Center for British Studies Fellowship: Nicola Barham
- Whiting Humanities Dissertation-Year Fellowship: Rachel Jans
- Humanities Division Overseas Dissertation Research Grants: Ingrid Greenfield, Anna Lee
Departmental Prizes
- Liu Cong Memorial Prizes: Catherine Stuer, Jie Shi
- The Robert and Joan Feitler Prize for the Best Dissertation of 2012: Sun-ah Choi
External Awards
- CASVA Chester Dale Fellowship: Maggie Taft
- Fulbright, Denmark: Maggie Taft
- American-Scandinavian Foundation Fellowship: Maggie Taft
- Lois Roth Endowment Award to Denmark: Maggie Taft
- DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) Research Grant: Matt Saba
- The American Academic Research Institute in Iraq (TAARII) Research Fellowship: Matt Saba
- Smithsonian Predoctoral Fellowship, the Smithsonian Institution: Matt Saba
- SMU/Eleanor Tufts Pre-Doctoral Fellowship: Kristine Hess-Larison
- Mellon/DDRA Graduate Fellowship: Michelle Maydanchik
- Academy of Korean Studies Research Grant (autumn only): Eleanor S. Hyun
- Joan and Stanford Alexander Award, The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston: Lisa Zaher
- CARA Tuition Scholarship, Medieval Academy of America: Elisabeth Woodward
- Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Fellowship: Michelle Maydanchik
- Council for European Studies Pre-Dissertation Research Fellowship: Michelle Maydanchik
- Rhoades Curatorial Internship: Mia Khimm
University of Chicago Awards
- Mellon Humanities Dissertation Fellowship: Michael Tymkiw
- Franke Institute for the Humanities Dissertation-Year Fellowship: Sun-ah Choi
- Whiting Humanities Dissertation-Year Fellowship: Jie Shi
- Mellon Foundation–University of Chicago Dissertation-Year Fellowship: Iva Olah
- CEAS Dissertation Fellowships: Seunghye Lee, Mia Liu
- CEAS Grants: Quincy Ngan, Stephanie Su
- France Chicago Center Summer Fellowships: Marin Sarve-Tarr, Jill Shaw
- Edward L. Ryerson Archaeology Travel Fellowships: Angele Rosenberg, Joana Konova
- Nicholson Center for British Studies Fellowships: Ingrid Greenfield, Nicola Cronin
Departmental Prizes
- The Robert and Joan Feitler Prize for the Best Dissertation of 2011: Ana Maria Reyes
External Awards
- Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Fellowship: Nancy Lin
- Fulbright U.S. Student Program Fellowship, Japan (declined): Nancy Lin
- Berlin Program for Advanced German and European Studies, Freie Universität, Berlin Doctoral Fellowship: Rachel Jans
- Rhoades Curatorial Internship: Rachel Rossner
University of Chicago Awards
- CEAS Dissertation Fellowship: Sun-ah Choi
- Edward L. Ryerson Archaeology Travel Fellowship: Matt Saba
- France Chicago Center François Furet Travel Grant: Stephanie Su
- Mellon Humanities Dissertation Fellowship: Irene Backus
Departmental Prizes
- The Robert and Joan Feitler Prize for the Best Dissertation of 2010: Kris Cohen
External Awards
- Academia Sinica Fellowship for Doctoral Candidates in the Humanities and Social Sciences: Sun-ah Choi
- Chateaubriand: Julia Langbein
- CASVA Chester Dale Fellowship: Joyce Cheng
- Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Fellowship: Eleanor S. Hyun
- Fulbright, France: Julia Langbein
- Fulbright, Germany: Rachel Jans
- CLIR/Mellon Fellowship for Dissertation Research in Original Sources: Kristine Hess
- Student Associate Member of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens: Ann Patnaude
- Rhoades Curatorial Internship: Catherine Stuer
University of Chicago Awards
- Bridge Builder Award: Ann Patnaude
- Center for the Study of Race, Politics and Culture Predissertation Research Grant: Ingrid Greenfield
- CEAS Grant: Seunghye Lee
- Franke Institute for the Humanities Doctoral Fellowship in the Humanities: Peggy Wang
- Mellon Dissertation-Year Fellowship: Kris Cohen
- Nicholson Center for British Studies Fellowship: Irene Backus
- Provost’s Summer Research Fellowship: Jie Shi
- Edward L. Ryerson Archaeology Fellowship: Nicola Cronin
- Whiting Dissertation-Year Fellowship: Julia Orell
Departmental Prizes
- The Robert and Joan Feitler Prize for the Best Dissertation of 2009: Chriscinda Henry
External Awards
- Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation Grant for Independent Research on Venetian History and Culture: Chriscinda Henry
- Summer Intensive Course in Modern Greek Scholarship from Aristotle University: Kristine Hess
- Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowships: Eleanor S. Hyun, Nancy Lin
- Pre-Dissertation Fellowship from the Council for European Studies at Columbia University: Julia Langbein
- IHR Mellon Pre-dissertation Fellowship: Iva Olah
- Fulbright U.S. Student Program Fellowship: Michael Tymkiw
- Rhoades Curatorial Internship: Emily Capper
University of Chicago Awards
- Provost's Summer Fellowships: Kristine Hess, Anna Lee
- Provost's Dissertation-Year Fellowship: Harper Montgomery
- Edward L. Ryerson Archaeology Fellowship: Angele Rosenberg-Dimitricopoulou
- Stuart Tave Teaching Fellowship: Michael Tymkiw
- Vigneron Dissertation-Year Fellowship: Katie Kirtland
- Whiting Disstertation-Year Fellowship: Chriscinda Henry
Departmental Prizes
- The Robert and Joan Feitler Prize for the Best Dissertation of 2008: Christina Normore
External Awards
- CASVA Robert H. and Clarice Smith Fellowship: Christina Normore
- Terra Summer Residency in Giverny, France: Rebecca Reynolds
- Georges Lurcy Fellowship for Study in France: Joyce Cheng
- Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellowship: Lia Markey
- Rhoades Curatorial Internship: Miranda Hofelt
University of Chicago Awards
- Provost Summer Fellowship, François Furet Travel Grant: Rainbow Porthé
- Stuart Tave Teaching Fellowship: Lisa Zaher
- Graduate Achievement Award: Michael Tymkiw
- Whiting Dissertation Write-up Grant: Sarah Miller
- Franke Institute for the Humanities Fellowship: Jeehee Hong
Departmental Prizes
- The Robert and Joan Feitler Prize for the Best Dissertation of 2007: Allison Morehead
External Awards
- Four-Year Jacob Javits Fellowship: Ian Bourland
- Fulbright U.S. Student Program Fellowships: Joyce Cheng, Chriscinda Henry
- Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Fellowships: Kris Ercums, Rachel Rossner, Peggy Wang
- Japan Foundation Grant - Summer Language Program for Postgraduate Students and Researchers: Kris Ercums
- Getty Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, 2006-07: Christina Cruz Gonzalez
- Luce/ACLS Dissertation Fellowship in American Art: Sarah Miller
- Peking University Harvard-Yenching Fellowship: Julia Orell
- American Council's South-Eastern Europe Research Scholar Fellowship: Rachel Rossner
- Terra Foundation for American Art Summer Residency in Giverny, France: Jeffrey Saletnik
- Rhoades Curatorial Internship: Phil Lee
University of Chicago Internal Fellowships and Awards
Departmental Prizes
- The Robert and Joan Feitler Prize for the Best Dissertation of 2006: Joy Beckman
External Awards
- Junior Fellow at Dumbarton Oaks: Paroma Chatterjee
- Kress Travel Grant: Paroma Chatterjee
- Asian Cultural Council Fellowship for research in China: Jeehee Hong
- Pittsburgh Foundation Walter Read Hovey Memorial Fund: Lia Markey
- Kress History of Art Institutional Fellowship (Kunsthistorisches Institute, Florence): Lia Markey
- Ansel Adams Research Fellowship at the Center for Creative Photography, University of Arizona: Sarah Miller
- Fulbright, Belgium: Christina Normore
- Carter Manny Dissertation Write-up Fellowship in Architecture: Rachel Remmel
- Four-Year Javits Fellowship: Rachel Rossner
- Getty Center Library Research; 2004-05 Fulbright Extension: Jeffrey Saletnik
University of Chicago Awards
- Humanities Division Overseas Dissertation Travel Grant: Patrick Hajovsky
- Gaylord Donnelly Dissertation Write-up Fellowship: Patrick Hajovsky
- Whiting Dissertation Write-up Grants: Wei-cheng Lin, Allison Morehead
- CLAS Travel Grant: Ana Maria Reyes
- Dumbarton Oaks Junior Fellowship in Garden and Landscape Studies: Rebecca Reynolds
- Humanities Division Dissertation Research Grant: Whitney Rugg
- Stuart Tave Teaching Fellowship: Jeffrey Saletnik
Departmental Prizes
- The Robert and Joan Feitler Prize for the Best Dissertation of 2005: Anthony Raynsford