Black Women Filmmaker's Symposium

Black Women Filmmaker's Symposium

Logan 201
Add to Calendar 2023-03-03 12:00:00 2023-03-04 23:59:00 Black Women Filmmaker's Symposium The symposium will feature a keynote by Michele Wallace, a special tribute to Madeline Anderson, and a keynote conversation between Barbara McCullough and Julie Dash. In all, around 40 Black women filmmakers, writers, and curators will convene at the Logan Center from March 3 to 4 to celebrate The Sojourner Truth Festival of the Arts, 2023.  Logan 201 Department of Art History America/Chicago public

The symposium will feature a keynote by Michele Wallace, a special tribute to Madeline Anderson, and a keynote conversation between Barbara McCullough and Julie Dash. In all, around 40 Black women filmmakers, writers, and curators will convene at the Logan Center from March 3 to 4 to celebrate The Sojourner Truth Festival of the Arts, 2023.