YOU BE MY ALLY: The Nexus of Art and Politics with David Joselit and Jordan Carter

This conversation will consider the intersection of art and politics, creativity and activism, in Jenny Holzer’s YOU BE MY ALLY and other artworks created in the context of the November 2020 and past elections as well as similar moments in history. David Joselit is a leading scholar of 20th-century modern art and postwar American art. He is a Professor of Art, Film and Visual Studies at Harvard University, editor of October, and author of numerous books, including Feedback: Television Against Democracy (2007) and Heritage and Debt: Art in Globalization (2020). He has written extensively on Holzer, including an important career survey for her 1998 monograph published by Phaidon Jordan Carter is Associate Curator of Contemporary Art at the Art Institute of Chicago, where he arrived after a 2015-17 curatorial fellowship at the Walker Art Center. Carter is a specialist in Fluxus and Conceptual Art, and his recent curatorial work has included exhibitions of the work of Mounira Al Solh, Ellen Gallagher, Benjamin Patterson, and Richard Hunt. He is currently co-organizing solo exhibitions of the work of Ray Johnson and stanley brouwn, opening in January and February 2021 respectively.
Co-sponsored by UChicago Arts and the Institute of Politics at the University of Chicago.
Register here to attend the webinar.