Smart Museum
Museum Careers Workshop

Are you curious about what it is like to work at a museum or how to begin your museum career? Join members from the Smart Museum’s staff as they speak about their current positions and the serpentine paths of their careers. Speakers will include representatives who work in curatorial, education, registration, exhibition design and coordination, publications, grant writing, and communications.
Details: At time of registration participants will have access to short pre-recorded videos of museum staff sharing what they do and the course of their career. Participants can pre-submit further questions, which will generate discussion at the workshop. The program will be recorded and shared with those who can only join asynchronously.
Open to students interested in a museum career. Meeting will take place on zoom (synchronous or asynchronous)
To Register: Email Berit Ness ( by Friday, May 1. Pre-submitted questions must be received by Monday, May 4.