VMPEA: Sylvia Fan Wu

"Inscribing Piety: Monumental Inscriptions from Quanzhou"
Speaker: Sylvia Fan Wu, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Art History
Discussant: Wei-cheng Lin, Associate Professor of Art History and the College
Chinese Art and Architecture, University of Chicago
Quanzhou’s Ashab Mosque has often been discussed for its foreign-looking architectural forms and the material choice of stone. Few have contemplated the Quranic verses that were carved onto both the interior and exterior walls of the mosque complex. These monumental inscriptions constitute the majority of the sober decorative program in this Muslim sanctuary and are imbued with iconographic meanings that speak to piety. This paper examines the inscriptions found in the Ashab Mosque and around the city of Quanzhou and explores the pious messaging behind their formal, iconographic and material qualities.
Based on the university policy on COVID, we will only be able to allow maximum 25 people inside the venue, and mask will be required throughout the event. Please use this form to sign-up for attending the event in-person, so that we could better keep track of the number of attendees. If you would like to attend remotely, you may register here to receive the zoom link. Light, individually-packed snacks and drinks will be provided to be grabbed after the workshop.