Study Abroad

Learning languages and viewing art works, buildings, and sites are integral parts of the study of art history, and often necessitate travel for research and study. Many art history majors and minors study outside of the United States, most commonly through one of the many Study Abroad Programs offered by the University of Chicago but also through direct enrollment at a foreign university. Faculty in the Department of Art History have recently taught in the Study Abroad Programs in Barcelona, Beijing, Oaxaca, Paris, and Rome. The Department of Art History’s annual Gold Gorvy Traveling Seminar, which includes class travel in the United States or abroad, is occasionally open to undergraduate students.

Every other year (in even numbered years) there is an art history sequence of three courses on offer during spring term at the University of Chicago Center in Paris. The sequence comprises two 10000-level art history courses and one 20000 level art history course. These courses are designed to take advantage of the art and architectural resources in Paris through multiple field trips. A French language course, appropriate to the individual student’s level, is also part of the program. The Study Abroad website provides information about the specific program for each year and guidance on how to apply.

The Director of Undergraduate Studies can assist students majoring or minoring in art history or architectural studies with planning study abroad. If at all possible, all art history majors should plan to be in residence winter quarter of their third year to take the required Junior Seminar, ARTH 29900, Doing Art History. Students planning on studying abroad during this quarter typically take the junior seminar during their second or fourth year instead.