Objectified: Methods in Environmental Humanities
February 5, 2024

Objectified: Methods in Environmental Humanities
February 5–February 23, 2024, Cochrane-Woods Art Center, 2nd floor
Objectified: Methods in Environmental Humanities is an exhibition featuring selections from the Joel Snyder Materials Collection and beyond. Staged in the CWAC Exhibitions space on the 2nd floor of the Cochrane-Woods Art Center in collaboration with Dr. Jessica Landau and students in the Committee on Environment, Geography and Urbanization (CEGU) Methods in the Environmental Humanities seminar, the exhibition foregrounds an interdisciplinary lens through which the contributors approach the environmental humanities. Students interrogate how humanistic disciplines such as art history, Indigenous studies, animal studies, comparative literature, and history serve as emerging methods through which we might understand the environment. Collectively, the student curators contemplate our everyday relationships with the built environment, natural resources, and stolen land through humanistic lines of inquiry.
Objectified: Methods in Environmental Humanities is co-curated by Dr. Jessica Landau and her Winter 2024 Methods in the Environmental Humanities seminar. Student curators include:
· Damaray Alvarez (3rd year, Global Studies, Human Rights)
- Owen Castle (3rd year, Math and Environmental and Urban Studies)
· Yufei Chen (2nd year, Comparative Literature)
- Justin Daab (Fellow, Leadership and Society Initiative)
- Jack McDonald (3rd year, Public Policy, Environmental Science)
- Mariana Reed (2nd year, CEGU, Education [minor])
· Jess Senger (4th year, Environmental science, Environmental and Urban Studies [minor])