Claire Rich and Lauren Rooney win first prize at the Feitler Center's Monochrome student symposium.
February 3, 2023

Congratulations to Claire Rich MAPH' 23 Art History, Curatorial Option, and Lauren Rooney AB' 24 Art History, Romance Languages, and Literatures on winning first prize at the Feitler Center's Monochrome student symposium.
Organized by the Feitler Center for Academic Inquiry at the Smart Museum of Art, this student-organized symposium responds to Monochrome Multitudes. The University of Chicago students from various academic disciplines will present papers demonstrating the many registers by which "the monochrome" is studied and interpreted.
The project by Lauren Rooney is titled Satirical Monochromes and Self-Conscious Modernism: A Serious Talk About Joke Paintings and investigates the role of joke monochromes and the anxieties that they express in shaping the "serious" modernist monochrome tradition.
The project by Claire Rich is titled "Going on and on ": The "Loop" in Jaime Davidovich's Blue, Red, Yellow furthers conversation for BRY's shifting displays, culminating in its current appearance in the Smart Museum of Art's Monochrome Multitudes on one versus three monitors and on a modern LG computer screen rather than a 1970s CRT (cathode-ray tube) television.
Read more about the event here.