RAVE: Andrei Pop

Andrei Pop, Associate Professor, Department of Art History

"The Doubling Problem: or, How Photography Upended Perspective in Painting"

RAVE: Seth Estrin

Seth Estrin, Assistant Professor, Department of Art History

"Songs to Match Stones: Sirens on the Edge of the Classical Attic Funerary Monument"

RAVE: CAA Practice Panel

14 February: Special Event - College Art Association Practice Panel

RAVE: Zhenru Zhou

Zhenru Zhou, PhD student, Department of Art History

“The Built Environment at the Mogao Grottoes in Tenth-Century Dunhuang, China"

RAVE: Kris Driggers

Kris Driggers, PhD candidate, Department of Art History

"The Codex Durán: Paste-Over Paintings: Rethinking Image as Evidence"

RAVE: Tania Islas Weinstein

Tania Islas Weinstein, PhD candidate, Department of Political Science

“Ni Sumisos, ni Activistas: The New Politics of Artistic Production in Contemporary Mexico”

Five-hour marathon conversation and more on immigration, migration, and home

Join artist and DoVA faculty member Pope.L, Neubauer Collegium curator Dieter Roelstraete, and a diverse group of artists, writers, scholars, activists, organizers and musicians for a five-hour marathon discussion delving deeper into the themes of immigration, migration and home platformed in the current exhibition Brown People are the Wrens in the Parking Lot at the Logan Center Gallery.

Cai Guo-Qiang in conversation with Wu Hung

Artist Cai Guo-Qiang in conversation with Wu Hung, Harrie A. Vanderstappen Distinguished Service Professor of Art History, East Asian Languages and Civilizations, and the College; Director of the Center for the Art of East Asia; and Consulting Curator at the Smart Museum of Art.

Maria Gough: Drawing for World Revolution

On Friday, December 15, Maria Gough, Joseph Pulitzer Jr., Professor of Modern Art of Harvard University, will present a lecture on her current work "Drawing for World Revolution" as part of the “Modern/Contemporary Materialities” lecture and scholars’ workshop series at the Art Institute of Chicago. 

Classification and the History of Greek Art: The Unclassified Past

Milette Gaifman, Associate Professor of Classics and History of Art, Yale University

Lecture 3: "The Unclassified Past"