RAVE: Alice Goff

The Research in Art and Visual Evidence (RAVE) Workshop provides a forum for University of Chicago graduate students––and the occasional faculty or outside speaker––to present their works-in-progress whose research centers on art or any type of visual and material culture. RAVE provides visually-minded scholars from across the university with the opportunity to receive feedback from art historians, while also ensuring that art historians think broadly and experimentally about their projects.

January 23, **different start time** 5:00pm

Wu Hung Awarded NEH Fellowship

Wu Hung, Harrie A. Vanderstappen Distinguished Service Professor of Art History, East Asian Languages and Civilizations, and the College has received a National Endowment for the Humanities award for the 2019-2020 academic year. 

With the fellowship support, Wu will finish research for, and write, a book entitled "The Caves of a Thousand Buddhas at Dunhuang: An Art History." Constructed between the 4th to 14th CE at Dunhuang in northwest China on the Silk Road, the Mogao Caves constitute the largest Buddhist cave complex in the world.

VMPEA: Jeehey Kim

Guest: Jeehey Kim, Postdoctoral Instructor

Department of Art History, University of Chicago

"Funerary Photo-portraiture in East Asia"

About VMPEA:

Maggie Taft on Art In Chicago: A History from the Fire to Now

Maggie Taft (PhD '15) discusses Art in Chicago: A History from the Fire to Now. A Q&A and signing will follow the discussion.