Joel Snyder
“Notes from the Ground,” Critical Inquiry (2004)
“Res Ipsa Loquitur,” in Things that Talk (Zone Books: 2004)
“Enabling Confusion,” in History of Photography Vol 26, No. 2 (Summer 2002)
“Nineteenth-century photography of sculpture and the rhetoric of substitution,” in Sculpture and Photography: Envisioning the Third Dimension (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998)
“Visualization and Visibility,” in Picturing Science/Making Art (Reaktion Books: 1997)
“Territorial Photography,” in Landscape and Power, ed. W.J.T. Mitchell (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1994)
“Fenetres, Miroirs, et transparence picturale,”Cahiers du Musee National d'Art Moderne (Autumn 1992)
“Réflexions sur Les Ménines: le paradoxe perdu,” with Ted Cohen, Cahiers du Musee National d'Art Moderne (Summer 1991)
“Preface,” On the Art of Fixing A Shadow (Washington, D.C.: National Gallery of Art; Chicago: Art Institute of Chicago, 1989)
Gentlemen Photographers: the Work of Loring Underwood and Wm. Lyman Underwood (Solio Foundation, 1987)

Modern Art and Aesthetics
Department Chair
CWAC 162 | Tuesdays 1-2pm or by appointment.

Ancient American Art
Director of Graduate Studies
CWAC 261 | Office Hours: Tuesdays 5-6pm or by appointment

Chinese Art and Architecture
Architectural Studies Advisor
CWAC 268 | Office Hours: Wednesdays 9-10am and 12-1pm
Iowa State University
Assistant Professor, East Asian Art and Architecture