Sarah Carter


Sarah Carter is a postdoctoral fellow funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) and the Fonds de Recherche du Québec (FRQSC). Her current research project is entitled "'Empire follows Art': Trafficking Culture in Imperial Britain 1780–1830." It examines the sourcing, transit, trade and reception of South Asian antiquities in the British empire. Sarah holds a PhD in Art History from McGill University, where she completed a dissertation entitled "Art and Eros in the British Enlightenment."


Andrei Pop
Andrei Pop
Modern Art and Aesthetics
Department Chair
CWAC 162 | Tuesdays 1-2pm or by appointment.
Niall Atkinson
Niall Atkinson
Medieval and Renaissance Architecture and Urban History
CWAC 260
Claudia Brittenham
Claudia Brittenham
Ancient American Art
Director of Graduate Studies
CWAC 261 | Office Hours: Tuesdays 5-6pm or by appointment
Wei-Cheng Lin
Wei-Cheng Lin
Chinese Art and Architecture
Architectural Studies Advisor
CWAC 268 | Office Hours: Wednesdays 9-10am and 12-1pm
Iowa State University
Assistant Professor, East Asian Art and Architecture
Richard Neer
Richard Neer
Ancient Greek Art and Architecture
CWAC 259
Megan Sullivan
Megan Sullivan
Modern and Contemporary Latin American Art
CWAC 272