Dario Donetti Francesco da Sangallo e l'identità dell'architettura toscana Officina Libraria (Milano), 2020
Andrew James Hamilton The Royal Inca Tunic: A Biography of an Andean Masterpiece Princeton University Press, 2024
Claudia Brittenham Unseen Art: Making, Vision, and Power in Ancient Mesoamerica University of Texas Press, 2023
Karin Krause Divine Inspiration in Byzantium: Notions of Authenticity in Art and Theology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022
Dario Donetti Building with Paper. The Materiality of Renaissance Architectural Drawings, eds. D. Donetti and C. Rachele Brepols, 2021
Wei-Cheng Lin The Allure of Matter: Material Art from China (with Orianna Cacchione) University of Chicago Press, 2021
Dario Donetti Francesco da Sangallo e l'identità dell'architettura toscana Officina Libraria (Milano), 2020
Lia Markey “Introduction: Inventing the Nova Reperta,” in Renaissance Invention: Stradanus’s Nova Reperta Northwestern University Press, 2020
Wu Hung First Class: Teaching Chinese Art History at Harvard University and the University of Chicago Hunan Fine Arts Publishing House, 2020
Andrei Pop A Forest of Symbols: Art, Science, and Truth in the Long Nineteenth Century Zone Books, 2019
Richard Neer Art & Archaeology of the Greek World: A New History, c. 2500–c. 150 BCE Second Edition. London and New York: Thames and Hudson, 2019
Richard Neer Pindar, Song, and Space: Towards a Lyric Archaeology Co-authored with Leslie Kurke. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press , 2019
Megan Sullivan A Companion to Modern and Contemporary Latin American and Latino Art Edited with Alejandro Anreus and Robin Greeley, Wiley-Blackwell, 2019
Wu Hung The Allure of Matter: Material Art from China (with Orianna Cacchione) Smart Museum of Art/University of Chicago Press, May 2019
Darby English To Describe a Life: Notes from the Intersection of Art and Race Terror Yale University Press, 2019
Dario Donetti Architecture and Dystopia edited by D. Donetti. Barcelona/New York: Actar Publishers, 2019
Maggie Taft Art in Chicago: A History from the Fire to Now Edited with Robert Cozzolino, University of Chicago Press, 2018
Dario Donetti Giuliano da Sangallo: Disegni degli Uffizi eds. D. Donetti, M. Faietti, S. Frommel. Giunti Editore, 2017
Jas' Elsner The Ark of Civilization Editor with Sally Crawford and Katharina Ulmschneider, Oxford University Press, 2017
Lia Markey The New World in Early Modern Italy, 1492-1750 (with Elizabeth Horodowich), Cambridge University Press, 2017 Cambridge University Press, 2017
Jas' Elsner The Poetics of Late Latin Literature Editor with Jesús Hernandez Lobato, Oxford University Press, 2017
Ina Blom Memory in Motion. Archives, Technology and the Social (eds. Ina Blom, Trond Lundemo, Eivind Røssaak), Amsterdam University Press, 2017
Ina Blom The Autobiography of Video. The Life and Times of a Memory Technology New York: Sternberg Press, 2016
Catriona MacLeod Un/Translatables: New Maps for Germanic Literatures With Bethany Wiggin, Northwestern University Press, 2011
Niall Atkinson The Noisy Renaissance: Sound, Architecture, and Florentine Urban Life Penn State University Press, 2016
Elizabeth Helsinger Poetry and the Thought of Song in Nineteenth-Century Britain The University of Virginia Press, 2015
W.J.T. Mitchell Image Science: Iconology, Visual Culture, and Media Aesthetics University of Chicago Press, 2015
Chelsea Foxwell Making Modern Japanese-Style Painting: Kano Hogai and the Search for Images University of Chicago Press, 2015
Andrei Pop Aesthetics of Ugliness: A Critical Edition edited and translated with Mechtild Widrich, Bloomsbury, 1853/ 2015
Federica Caneparo «Di molte figure adornato»: L’Orlando furioso nei cicli pittorici fra Cinque e Seicento. Milano: Officina Libraria, 2015. ,
Claudia Brittenham The Murals of Cacaxtla: The Power of Painting in Ancient Central Mexico University of Texas Press, 2015
Cécile Fromont The Art of Conversion: Christian Visual Culture in the Kingdom of Kongo University of North Carolina Press, 2014
Neil Harris En Guerre: French Illustrators and World War I Co-authored with Teri Edelstein. The University of Chicago Press, 2014
Wei-Cheng Lin Building a Sacred Mountain: The Buddhist Architecture of China's Mount Wutai University of Washington Press, 2014
Jas' Elsner Art and Rhetoric in Roman Culture, Editor with Michel Meyer, Cambridge University Press, 2014
Lia Markey Italian Master Drawings from the Princeton University Art Museum (Laura Giles and Claire Van Cleave), Yale University Press, 2014 Yale University Press, 2014
Richard Neer Kunst und Archäologie der griechischen Welt: Von den Anfängen bis zum Hellenismus Philipp von Zabern, 2013
Claudia Brittenham The Spectacle of the Late Maya Court: Reflections on the Murals of Bonampak with Mary Miller, University of Texas Press, 2013
Richard Neer The Emergence of the Classical Style in Greek Sculpture University of Chicago Press, 2013
Catriona MacLeod Fugitive Objects: Sculpture and Literature in the German Nineteenth Century Northwestern University Press, 2013
Neil Harris Capital Culture : J. Carter Brown, the National Gallery of Art, and the Reinvention of the Museum Experience The University of Chicago Press, 2013
Richard Neer Art & Archaeology of the Greek World: A New History, c. 2500 - c. 150 BCE First Edition. Thames and Hudson, 2012
Wu Hung A Story of Ruins: Presence and Absence in Chinese Art and Visual Culture Princeton University Press, 2012
Matthew Jesse Jackson Vision and Communism Editor with Robert Bird, Christopher Heuer, Tumelo Mosaka and Stephanie Smith, The New Press, 2011
Aden Kumler Translating Truth: Ambitious Images and Religious Knowledge in Late Medieval France and England Yale University Press, 2011
Karin Krause Bild und Text im Mittelalter (Sensus, 2) Edited with Barbara Schellewald. Cologne: Böhlau, 2011
W.J.T. Mitchell Cloning Terror: the War of Images 9/11 to the Present University of Chicago Press, 2011
Barbara Stafford A Field Guide to a New Metafield: Bridging the Humanities-Neurosciences Divide The University of Chicago Press, 2011
Catriona MacLeod Éfficacité/Efficacity: How to Do Things with Words and Images? With Jan Baetens & Véronique Plesch, Rodopi, 2011
Jas' Elsner Life, Death and Representation: Some New Work on Roman Sarcophagi Editor with Janet Huskinson, De Gruyter, 2011
Jas' Elsner Saints: Faith at the Borders Editor with Françoise Meltzer, University of Chicago Press, 2011
Matthew Jesse Jackson The Experimental Group: Ilya Kabakov, Moscow Conceptualism, Soviet Avant-Gardes University of Chicago Press, 2010
Wu Hung Reinventing the Past: Archaism and Antiquarianism in Chinese Art and Visual Culture University of Chicago Press, 2010
Claudia Brittenham Veiled Brightness: A History of Ancient Maya Color with Stephen Houston and colleagues, University of Texas Press, 2009
Catriona MacLeod Elective Affinities: Testing Word and Image Relationships With Véronique Plesch & Charlotte Schoell-Glass, Rodopi, 2009
Martha Ward Looking and Listening in 19th Century France (With Anne Leonard) University of Chicago Press, 2008
Elizabeth Helsinger The Writing of Modern Life: the Etching Revival in France, Britain, and the U.S., 1850-1940 Editor, The University of Chicago Press, 2008
Elizabeth Helsinger Poetry and the Pre-Raphaelite Arts: William Morris and Dante Gabriel Rossetti Yale University Press, 2008
Jas' Elsner Severan Culture Editor with Stephen Harrison and Simon Swain, Cambridge University Press, 2007
W.J.T. Mitchell What Do Pictures Want? The Lives and Loves of Images University of Chicago Press, 2006
Wu Hung Remaking Beijing: Tiananmen Square and the Creation of a Political Space University of Chicago Press, 2005
Karin Krause Die Illustrierten Homilien des Johannes Chrysostomos in Byzanz Dr. Ludwig Reichert Verlag, 2004
Darby English Kara Walker: Narratives of a Negress Edited with Ian Berry, Vivian Patterson, & Mark Reinhardt, MIT Press, 2003
Ina Blom The Name of the Game: Ray Johnson's Postal Performance Kunsthalle Fridericianum Kassel, Stedelijk Museum Sittard, 2003
Richard Neer Style and Politics in Athenian Vase Painting: The Craft of Democracy, ca. 530-460 B.C.E. Cambridge University Press, 2002
Reinhold Heller Confronting Identities in German Art: Myths, Reactions, Reflections The University of Chicago Press, 2002
Linda Seidel Pious Journeys: Christian Devotional Art and Practice in the Later Middle Ages and Renaissance University of Chicago Press, 2001
Alaka Wali Stress and Resilience: The Social Context of Reproduction in Central Harlem With L. Mullings, New York: Kluwar, 2001
Linda Seidel Legends in Limestone: Lazarus, Gislebertus, and the Cathedral of Autun University of Chicago Press, 1999
Katherine Fischer Taylor Linda Seidel Looking to Learn: Visual Pedagogy at the University of Chicago The University of Chicago Press, 1999
W.J.T. Mitchell The Last Dinosaur Book: The Life and Times of a Cultural Icon University of Chicago Press, 1998
Catriona MacLeod Embodying Ambiguity: Androgyny and Aesthetics from Winckelmann to Keller Wayne State University Press, 1998
Jas' Elsner Imperial Rome and Christian Triumph: The Art of the Roman Empire A.D. 100-450 Oxford University Press, 1998
Elizabeth Helsinger Rural Scenes and National Representation, Britain 1815-1850 Princeton University Press, 1997
Wu Hung The Double Screen: Medium and Representation in Chinese Painting University of Chicago Press, 1996
Charles Cohen The Art of Giovanni Antonio da Pordenone: Between Dialect and Language Volume II Cambridge University Press, 1996
Charles Cohen The Art of Giovanni Antonio da Pordenone: Between Dialect and Language Volume I Cambridge University Press, 1996
Martha Ward Pissarro, Neo-Impressionism, and the Spaces of the Avant-Garde University of Chicago Press, 1996
W.J.T. Mitchell Picture Theory: Essays on Verbal and Visual Representation University of Chicago Press, 1995
Jas' Elsner Pilgrimage Past and Present: Sacred Travel and Sacred Space in the World Religions with Simon Coleman, British Museum Press and Harvard University Press, 1995
Jas' Elsner Art and the Roman Viewer: The Transformation of Art from the Pagan World to Christianity Cambridge University Press, 1995
Barbara Stafford Artful Science: Enlightenment, Entertainment and the Eclipse of Visual Education The MIT Press, 1994
Tom Gunning D.W. Griffith and the Origins of American Narrative Film University of Illinois Press, 1994
Katherine Fischer Taylor In the Theater of Criminal Justice: The Palais De Justice in Second Empire Paris Princeton University Press, 1993
Neil Harris Cultural Excursions: Marketing Appetites and Cultural Tastes in Modern America The University of Chicago Press, 1990
Wu Hung The Wu Liang Shrine: The Ideology of Early Chinese Pictorial Art Stanford University Press, 1989
Alaka Wali Kilowatts and Crisis: Hydroelectric Power and Social Dislocation in Eastern Panama Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1989
Elizabeth Helsinger The Woman Question: Society and Literature in Britain and America, 1837-1883 co-authored with Robin Sheets and William Veeder, 3 vols., Garland, 1983, and The University of Chicago Press, 1989
W.J.T. Mitchell Blake's Composite Art: A Study of the Illuminated Poetry Princeton University Press, 1978
Neil Harris The Artist in American Society: The Formative Years, 1790-1860 The University of Chicago Press, 1966, 1982
Barbara Stafford Body Criticism: Imaging the Unseen in Enlightenment Art and Medicine The MIT Press, 1991